Creating a Black Friday Offer Doesn't Have to Be Difficult...

I know you're busy taking care of little ones, running your business, and trying to take care of yourself, too. 


I know you have 37,600 things on your plate that need to get done, like yesterday, and you're burning the candle at both ends. 


I know because I've been there. And before I go a step further, I want to tell you that YOU'RE DOING AN AMAZING JOB. It's just a matter of time until you have the success you want. I know you can feel it in your bones. 


Maybe not every day. Maybe not on the low days. But you know it, deep down beyond the fear, beyond the exhaustion, beyond the doubt... 


You know you're going to be successful 

because you refuse to give up.


Sound about right? 


So let me get straight to the point, then. 


This Black Friday is the stepping stone to prove to yourself you're ready for the next level of success. 


Make the MOST out of this Black Friday. Earn more. And do it without feeling even more stressed. Do it without staying up until midnight on Thanksgiving because you're just then getting to the emails and offer. 


That's not who you are anymore. You can move past that stage and you can use this Black Friday to propel you there. 

So What is the Next Level (and what

does it have to do with Black Friday)?

The next  level is sleeping through the night and not waking up feeling stressed about where your next client will come from.

It's spending time with your loved ones instead of forgetting what they look like because you see the computer screen more than your kids (been there). 


It's making more money because you have the time to plan ahead and get the most out of every single offer, sale, launch, or service that you put out there. 


It starts with Black Friday because it's the easiest time of year to make a huge cash influx... 


If you have the right offer, the right audience, the right plan, and the right emails.


And a huge cash influx means a few things...


It means you have more wiggle room on the clients you take on. 

It means you can work on your own projects a little while longer instead of scrambling to find clients to pay the bills. 

It means you're one step closer to financial stability, security, and freedom


How can you use Black Friday to get to the next level? 

The Right Offer & The Right Plan.

Black Friday is the most lucrative day of the year if you have the right offer and the right plan because your audience is primed and ready to buy. 


The question is... 


Will your offer speak to them?


If you...


Aren't totally sure what your marketing strategy will be for Black Friday because you haven't had time to think about it (but know you need one)...

You haven't put one together yet because you don't know what to offer (or haven't had time to brush your hair much less think about your offer)... 

Threw together an offer together because you figured at least you'd make something and you haven't had time to analyze it (to see if the amount of time you'll spend putting everything together will be WORTH it by the amount of revenue you bring in)

If that sounds like you, then you're preparing yourself for MORE of the same, not the next level.


And not only that, you're setting your sale up for a fiasco (which would SUCK because you're working so hard to bring everything together). 


When I've worked with entrepreneurs that do this, the systems that fail are: 


Customer Service 





And they're left to pick up the pieces. When you don't have a clear strategy for Black Friday, the amount of time it takes to make sure everyone gets what they're supposed to hardly makes it worth the Black Friday sale. 


The worst part... 


Instead of using Black Friday to propel you to the next level, you end up MORE stressed and MORE in the weeds because there was no cohesive plan. Doing it this way puts you further behind


But I can help.

For busy entrepreneurs who want to crush it on Black Friday but haven't had time to create a strategic,

streamlined offer (or aren't sure if their current offer is the right one)...

Get clear on your person, their problem, their language, and the objection-busting bonuses you need to add to make this offer a no-brainer for them. Not sure how to "get clear on your person" or think you're already "clear". I'm going to blow your mind with a resource I'll share that is going to get you in the MIND of your person. 

Plan to make more sales -- they don't happen by accident! I'll show you how to determine your person's objections and the micro-angles you need to talk about to strategically lead your person from "is this for me?" to "holy cow, where has this been my whole life?" 

The next step of planning to make more sales is increasing your average cart value. I'll show you how to do this stress-free and cohesively so each order makes sense and is an "easy yes" for your audience. 

Discover the emails and social you need and don't need to get the more out of your Black Friday sale (plus when to send out each email and each social post with the special strategy map I start with for all my clients).

Have a fully-fleshed out offer that you KNOW your audience will love...

Know the objections you need to bust and micro-angles

to pursue

for more sales...

Have a way to increase your average cart value so you can make the most from

your sale...

Have a complete strategy for your social and emails (that doesn't leave you feeling like you have to have a doctorate to figure it out).

Frequently Asked Questions

about Create a Better Black Friday

How much does this cost? 

I'm good on my offer, just need the emails. Can you help? 

Can someone from my team take this training with me? 

Each purchase is for one attendee. If you have 4+ people on your team that you'd like to attend with you, email me at 

What will I have by the end of this training? 

How much are the recordings only? 

When does the LIVE trainings take place? 

I can't do 30 minutes a day. Do you have a one-day, 2ish-hour option instead? 

Want to attend a one-day (2 hour) training instead of the four day, 30-minutes a day training? Head here to register for the one-day training taking place on Tuesday, November 16th from 2-4 pm EST. 


Hi, I'm Brittany. 

I'm the CEO and co-owner of Win with Systems, an email marketing agency. We write the emails that convert and the first step to that is an OFFER that converts. 


Over the last few years, I've worked with 5, 6, 7, and 8 figure business owners

 to craft their emails for higher sales. 


I've worked with all kinds of business owners in a variety of fields but there are three things they all have in common: 


1. They give a crap about the people they're helping and 

2. They believe in what they're offering. 

3. They have an offer that works. 


I can help you, too. After working with over a hundred business owners, I have a unique view into what works and doesn't. 


If you want to make more this Black Friday, you're in the right place. With experience working with coaches, course creators, consultants, and service providers, I can help you create an offer that gets noticed in the emails you send out and not only that, gets CLICKED and PURCHASED. 


Questions? Reach out: 

Ready to join the live training? Click the green button below. 

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